Looking For A Good Example Of Master’s Dissertation Acknowledgements

The acknowledgements page is an inseparable section of your master’s dissertation. It usually goes immediately after the title page, but you may also be required to place it after the abstract. As the name suggests, the primary purpose of the acknowledgements piece is to acknowledge the people who helped complete your thesis. These may be your colleagues, professors, and even your relatives without whom it would be impossible to acquire the master’s degree. You should thank them for their assistance in practical tasks, like choosing a topic, doing your research, or editing your paper. You should express your gratitude for moral support. You, also, shouldn’t forget about the people who helped you technically and financially.

After completing such a serious project as a master’s dissertation, it won’t be difficult to write the acknowledgements section. However, it is important that you include all necessary information and write it in a proper style. If you are not sure how to do the acknowledgements page, look through several well-written examples of this section for inspiration. Take the following steps to find the samples you need:

  • Visit the university library.
  • Go to the library of your institution because all master’s and doctoral papers of the university graduates are usually stored there. A reference librarian will prompt where to seek for necessary materials. Refer to the copies you find and read their acknowledgements sections to see the required structure and style. It is unlikely that you’ll be allowed to borrow the papers, so be ready to note down all interesting ideas and structural details to use them later in your own work.

  • Look through the journals and tutorials on academic writing.
  • These resources contain useful guidelines on how to complete different academic writing assignments, including dissertations. Well-written samples can also be found there. Read the section devoted to writing acknowledgements and use a provided example as a model.

  • Search online.
  • There are a variety of options you may benefit from on the Web:

    • Type “master’s dissertation acknowledgements page” in the search box of your favorite search engine. Besides the common links that should be carefully sorted out, you’ll get a range of images with the examples you need.
    • Look for the acknowledgements samples on the websites of professional writing services.
    • Browse any student forum devoted to academic writing. It’s possible that other students have already posted their acknowledgements pages online. If you cannot find any, ask for help. You’ll be prompted on where to seek for the necessary examples.

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